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Русско - Английский А2 - ТЕСТЫ

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Тест #19   

Слова для выбора

Can - Dear - afternoon - bills - by - call - come - difficulty - gold - hair - happy - high - hotel - must - sale -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Без трудностей &gt;<b> without <input type="text" name="i1" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;difficulty&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   В город приехал цирк. &gt;<b> A circus has <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;come&quot;)"> to town. </b><br>
3.   Высотой семьдесят метров &gt;<b> seventy metres <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;high&quot;)"> </b><br>
4.   Дорогой господин Х! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Dear&quot;)"> Mr X, </b><br>
5.   Здесь можно парковаться? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i5" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;Can&quot;)"> I park here? </b><br>
6.   Золотой / из золота &gt;<b> golden / made of <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;gold&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Нужно работать &gt;<b> one <input type="text" name="i7" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;must&quot;)"> work </b><br>
8.   Она блондинка. &gt;<b> She has blond <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hair&quot;)">. </b><br>
9.   Переночевать в отеле &gt;<b> to stay at the <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;hotel&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Продается ... &gt;<b> for <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;sale&quot;)"> / to be sold </b><br>
11.   Расклейка запрещена &gt;<b> Post no <input type="text" name="i11" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;bills&quot;)">! / Don't put up signs! </b><br>
12.   С Рождеством Вас и всего хорошего в Новом Году! &gt;<b> Merry Christmas and a <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;happy&quot;)"> New Year! </b><br>
13.   Сегодня во второй половине дня. Вчера вечером &gt;<b> This <input type="text" name="i13" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;afternoon&quot;)">. Yesterday evening. </b><br>
14.   Я зашёл сюда совершенно случайно. &gt;<b> I was just passing <input type="text" name="i14" size="2" onblur="da(this,&quot;by&quot;)">. </b><br>
15.   Я позвоню тебе позже. &gt;<b> I'll <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;call&quot;)"> you later. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;difficulty&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;come&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;high&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;Dear&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;Can&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;gold&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;must&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;hair&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;hotel&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;sale&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;bills&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;happy&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;afternoon&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;by&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;call&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:11:57)



Тест #20   

Слова для выбора

border - colour - dozen - feel - follow - fro - future - here - ill - nobody - paper - put - setting - showers - thank -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   В будущем &gt;<b> in the <input type="text" name="i1" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;future&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Где душевые? &gt;<b> Where are the <input type="text" name="i2" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;showers&quot;)">? </b><br>
3.   Ехать дорогой &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;follow&quot;)"> a road </b><br>
4.   Здесь можно парковаться? &gt;<b> Can I park <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;here&quot;)">? </b><br>
5.   Здесь никого нет &gt;<b> there is <input type="text" name="i5" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;nobody&quot;)"> there </b><br>
6.   Какого оно цвета? &gt;<b> What <input type="text" name="i6" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;colour&quot;)"> / color (am.) is it? </b><br>
7.   Лист бумаги &gt;<b> a piece of <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;paper&quot;)"> </b><br>
8.   Мне тепло/жарко &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;feel&quot;)"> warm </b><br>
9.   Пересекать границу &gt;<b> to cross the <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;border&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Плохо выглядеть &gt;<b> to look <input type="text" name="i10" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;ill&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   Полдюжины значит шесть. &gt;<b> Half a <input type="text" name="i11" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;dozen&quot;)"> makes six. </b><br>
12.   Расклейка запрещена &gt;<b> Post no bills! / Don't <input type="text" name="i12" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;put&quot;)"> up signs! </b><br>
13.   Солнце заходит &gt;<b> the sun is <input type="text" name="i13" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;setting&quot;)"> </b><br>
14.   Туда - сюда &gt;<b> to and <input type="text" name="i14" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;fro&quot;)"> / back and forth </b><br>
15.   Я Вам за это благодарен &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;thank&quot;)"> you for it </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;future&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;showers&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;follow&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;here&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;nobody&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;colour&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;paper&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;feel&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;border&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;ill&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;dozen&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;put&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;setting&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;fro&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;thank&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:13:11)



Тест #21   

Слова для выбора

How - again - comfortable - coming - door - hard - light - minutes - moment - passed - this - today - tomorrow - understand - wonder -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   В это мгновенье &gt;<b> at this <input type="text" name="i1" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;moment&quot;)"> / just now </b><br>
2.   Выключать свет &gt;<b> to turn the <input type="text" name="i2" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;light&quot;)"> off </b><br>
3.   Жесткий человек &gt;<b> a <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hard&quot;)"> man </b><br>
4.   Не могли бы вы меня завтра разбудить? &gt;<b> Can you wake me up <input type="text" name="i4" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;tomorrow&quot;)"> morning? </b><br>
5.   Он прошел мимо меня &gt;<b> he <input type="text" name="i5" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;passed&quot;)"> by me </b><br>
6.   Сегодня я иду на рынок. &gt;<b> I'll go to the market <input type="text" name="i6" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;today&quot;)">. </b><br>
7.   Сколько это стоит? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i7" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;How&quot;)"> much is it? </b><br>
8.   Стучат &gt;<b> there is a knock at the <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;door&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Устраивайтесь поудобнее! &gt;<b> Make yourself <input type="text" name="i9" size="11" onblur="da(this,&quot;comfortable&quot;)">! </b><br>
10.   Часы отстают на 5 минут &gt;<b> the clock is five <input type="text" name="i10" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;minutes&quot;)"> slow </b><br>
11.   Через три месяца Вы должны снова выехать. &gt;<b> You must leave the country <input type="text" name="i11" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;again&quot;)"> in three months. </b><br>
12.   Эта улица ведет прямо в город? &gt;<b> Does <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;this&quot;)"> road lead straight into the city? </b><br>
13.   Я не понимаю. &gt;<b> I do not <input type="text" name="i13" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;understand&quot;)">. </b><br>
14.   Я сейчас приду. &gt;<b> I'm just <input type="text" name="i14" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;coming&quot;)">! </b><br>
15.   Я спрашиваю себя, почему &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i15" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;wonder&quot;)"> why </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;moment&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;light&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;hard&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;tomorrow&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;passed&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;today&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;How&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;door&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;comfortable&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;minutes&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;again&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;this&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;understand&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;coming&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;wonder&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:14:44)



Тест #22   

Слова для выбора

What`s - all - children - cigarette - examination - into - lend - like - look - own - regards - signs - six - taken - yesterday -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Все дети &gt;<b> all the <input type="text" name="i1" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;children&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Вы поехали не по той улице. &gt;<b> You've <input type="text" name="i2" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;taken&quot;)"> the wrong road. </b><br>
3.   Мне хотелось бы полупансион. &gt;<b> I would <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;like&quot;)"> half board. </b><br>
4.   Можно мне осмотреть свободную комнату? &gt;<b> Could I have a <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;look&quot;)"> at the vacant room, please? </b><br>
5.   Оказывать помощь. &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;lend&quot;)"> a helping hand </b><br>
6.   От шести отнять два будет четыре &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i6" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;six&quot;)"> minus two equals four </b><br>
7.   Привет от меня &gt;<b> my kindest <input type="text" name="i7" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;regards&quot;)"> to </b><br>
8.   Расклейка запрещена &gt;<b> Post no bills! / Don't put up <input type="text" name="i8" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;signs&quot;)">! </b><br>
9.   Собственными глазами &gt;<b> with one's <input type="text" name="i9" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;own&quot;)"> eyes </b><br>
10.   У меня завтра экзамен. &gt;<b> My <input type="text" name="i10" size="11" onblur="da(this,&quot;examination&quot;)"> is tomorrow. </b><br>
11.   Хотите сигарету? - Нет, спасибо, я не курю. &gt;<b> A <input type="text" name="i11" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;cigarette&quot;)">? No, thank you, I don't smoke. </b><br>
12.   Что идёт в кино? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i12" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;What`s&quot;)"> on at the cinema? </b><br>
13.   Эта улица ведет прямо в город? &gt;<b> Does this road lead straight <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;into&quot;)"> the city? </b><br>
14.   Это все &gt;<b> that's <input type="text" name="i14" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;all&quot;)"> </b><br>
15.   Я был вчера у Вас, но Вас не было дома. &gt;<b> I called on you <input type="text" name="i15" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;yesterday&quot;)">, but you happened to be out. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;children&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;taken&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;like&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;look&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;lend&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;six&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;regards&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;signs&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;own&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;examination&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;cigarette&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;What`s&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;into&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;all&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;yesterday&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:15:58)



Тест #23   

Слова для выбора

Will - Yes - ago - ask - boiled - did - listen - look - paper - room - salad - will - yesterday - you - younger -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Все будет хорошо &gt;<b> it <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;will&quot;)"> be all right </b><br>
2.   Искать место работы &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;look&quot;)"> for a job </b><br>
3.   Мне хотелось бы салат, заправленный маслом и лимоном. &gt;<b> I would like some <input type="text" name="i3" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;salad&quot;)"> with an oil and lemon </b><br>
4.   Можно мне осмотреть свободную комнату? &gt;<b> Could I have a look at the vacant <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;room&quot;)">, please? </b><br>
5.   Неделю назад &gt;<b> a week <input type="text" name="i5" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;ago&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Он на двадцать лет моложе меня &gt;<b> he is twenty years <input type="text" name="i6" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;younger&quot;)"> than me </b><br>
7.   Послушайте - ка! &gt;<b> Will you please <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;listen&quot;)">! </b><br>
8.   Со вчерашнего дня &gt;<b> since <input type="text" name="i8" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;yesterday&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Спрашивать дорогу &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i9" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;ask&quot;)"> the way </b><br>
10.   Ты едешь на машине или на поезде? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Will&quot;)"> you go by car or by train? </b><br>
11.   Хотите сигарету? - Нет, спасибо, я не курю. &gt;<b> A cigarette? No, thank <input type="text" name="i11" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;you&quot;)">, I don't smoke. </b><br>
12.   Читать газету &gt;<b> to read the <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;paper&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   Этого я не понял &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i13" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;did&quot;)"> not understand it </b><br>
14.   Я думаю, да &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i14" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;Yes&quot;)">, I think so </b><br>
15.   Яйцо всмятку &gt;<b> a soft-<input type="text" name="i15" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;boiled&quot;)"> egg </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;will&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;look&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;salad&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;room&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;ago&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;younger&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;listen&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;yesterday&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;ask&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;Will&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;you&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;paper&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;did&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;Yes&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;boiled&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:17:04)



Тест #24   

Слова для выбора

afternoon - age - breakdown - care - expensive - foreign - know - meet - neither - never - pardon - unusual - want - week - worry -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   В течение всей недели &gt;<b> all <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;week&quot;)"> long </b><br>
2.   Вам большое или маленькое пиво? &gt;<b> Do you <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;want&quot;)"> a large or small beer? </b><br>
3.   Во второй половине дня &gt;<b> in the <input type="text" name="i3" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;afternoon&quot;)"> </b><br>
4.   Заботиться/тревожиться о &gt;<b> to be uneasy / to <input type="text" name="i4" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;worry&quot;)"> about </b><br>
5.   Иностранные языки &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i5" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;foreign&quot;)"> languages </b><br>
6.   Мы одного возраста &gt;<b> we are the same <input type="text" name="i6" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;age&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Ни один из них двоих &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i7" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;neither&quot;)"> of the two </b><br>
8.   Ничего особенного &gt;<b> nothing <input type="text" name="i8" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;unusual&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Он заботится о семье &gt;<b> he takes <input type="text" name="i9" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;care&quot;)"> of the family </b><br>
10.   Она увидится со своим отцом. &gt;<b> She'll <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;meet&quot;)"> her father. </b><br>
11.   Потерпеть аварию/застрять в пути &gt;<b> to have a <input type="text" name="i11" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;breakdown&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Что Вы сказали? &gt;<b> I beg your <input type="text" name="i12" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;pardon&quot;)">? </b><br>
13.   Это слишком дорого &gt;<b> that's too <input type="text" name="i13" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;expensive&quot;)"> </b><br>
14.   Я ещё никогда не был за границей. &gt;<b> I have <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;never&quot;)"> been abroad. </b><br>
15.   Я хотел бы знать &gt;<b> I wonder / I would like to <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;know&quot;)"> </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;week&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;want&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;afternoon&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;worry&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;foreign&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;age&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;neither&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;unusual&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;care&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;meet&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;breakdown&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;pardon&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;expensive&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;never&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;know&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:18:10)



Тест #25   

Слова для выбора

comfort - fine - food - for - hurt - like - market - moment - pay - school - this - three - visitors - with - year -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Вы ранены? &gt;<b> Are you <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hurt&quot;)">? </b><br>
2.   Должен ли я платить вперёд за комнату? &gt;<b> Do I <input type="text" name="i2" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;pay&quot;)"> for the room in advance? </b><br>
3.   Еда остыла. &gt;<b> The <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;food&quot;)"> is cold. </b><br>
4.   Искать место работы &gt;<b> to look <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;for&quot;)"> a job </b><br>
5.   Как называется это место (населённый пункт)? &gt;<b> What's the name of <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;this&quot;)"> place? </b><br>
6.   Мне хотелось бы полный пансион. &gt;<b> I would <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;like&quot;)"> full board. </b><br>
7.   На рынке &gt;<b> in the <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;market&quot;)"> </b><br>
8.   Надеюсь, хорошая погода ещё постоит. &gt;<b> Let's hope the weather will keep <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;fine&quot;)">. </b><br>
9.   Одну минуточку, я Вас не слышу. &gt;<b> Just a <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;moment&quot;)">. I can't hear you. </b><br>
10.   Он живет у меня &gt;<b> he lives <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;with&quot;)"> me </b><br>
11.   Принимать гостей &gt;<b> to have guests / <input type="text" name="i11" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;visitors&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Трехразовое питание &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;three&quot;)"> meals a day </b><br>
13.   Ходить в школу &gt;<b> to attend a <input type="text" name="i13" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;school&quot;)"> </b><br>
14.   Это хорошо/это на пользу &gt;<b> that's a <input type="text" name="i14" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;comfort&quot;)"> </b><br>
15.   Я собираюсь провести здесь, в этой стране, один год. &gt;<b> I'm staying in this country for a <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;year&quot;)">. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;hurt&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;pay&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;food&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;for&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;this&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;like&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;market&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;fine&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;moment&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;with&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;visitors&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;three&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;school&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;comfort&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;year&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 13:19:21)



Не забудьте заглянуть в другие интересные темы:  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/001a/b7/49/2/433229.gif

Британский, американский и другие варианты английского языка

Какие языки вы изучали или пытались изучать в своей жизни?

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 15:10:05)



Тест #26   

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 18:53:02)



Тест #27 

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 18:55:28)



Тест #28 

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 18:58:10)



Тест #29 

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 18:59:44)



Тест #30 

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:12:30)



Это может вас заинтересовать:  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/001a/b7/49/2/433229.gif

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:03:05)



Тест #31 

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:12:50)



Тест #32 

Слова для выбора

Where - about - book - bread - care - clear - doctor - fortunately - help - journey - light - mistake - seventh - wrong - years -


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ (Нажать здесь 1-2 раза)

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:05:11)



Тест #33 

Слова для выбора

Red - born - change - eye - hurt - off - play - pretty - question - something - takes - tell - tomorrow - way - wine -


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ (Нажать здесь 1-2 раза)

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:06:10)



Тест #34 

Слова для выбора

German - another - beer - bill - color - drive - embassy - eyes - hands - left - mine - near - take - talk - took -


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ (Нажать здесь 1-2 раза)

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:08:04)



Тест #35 

Слова для выбора

cinema - days - eggs - examination - it - less - lives - night - pictures - please - regards - table - tyre - watch - whole -


УПРАЖНЕНИЕ (Нажать здесь 1-2 раза)

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:09:25)



Тест #36 

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 19:12:10)


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