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Русско - Английский А2 - ТЕСТЫ

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Пройти Тесты - Русский - Английский А2

Как выполнять: в пустую ячейку напечатайте правильный ответ. Слова выбирайте из предложенного выше списка.

Если ввели неправильное слово - в ячейке появятся значки "====="
Кнопка "Show" - покажет все правильные ответы сразу, но сотрет ответы, внесенные вами!
Кнопка "Clear All" - сотрет все ответы, и поля станут снова чистыми. Вы можете попробовать снова!

Не забудьте поставить "плюс" после выполнения упражнения!

Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 16:10:48)



Тест #1   

Слова для выбора:
Since - anything - but - collect - course - day - island - leave - luck - night - thirty - very - very - visit - well -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Благодарю Вас за прекрасный день. &gt;<b> Thank you for a very nice <input type="text" name="i1" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;day&quot;)">. </b><br>
2.   Всю ночь &gt;<b> all <input type="text" name="i2" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;night&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   Естественно &gt;<b> Of <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;course&quot;)">! </b><br>
4.   Коллекционировать почтовые марки &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i4" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;collect&quot;)"> stamps </b><br>
5.   Мне хотелось бы тридцать литров. &gt;<b> I'd like <input type="text" name="i5" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;thirty&quot;)"> litres. </b><br>
6.   Мне это подходит &gt;<b> that suits me <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;well&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Мы навестим тебя завтра. &gt;<b> We'll <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;visit&quot;)"> you tomorrow. </b><br>
8.   На острове &gt;<b> on an <input type="text" name="i8" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;island&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Не делай глупости! &gt;<b> Don't do <input type="text" name="i9" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;anything&quot;)"> silly! </b><br>
10.   Приносить счастье &gt;<b> to bring good <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;luck&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   С какого времени? Уже давно? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Since&quot;)"> when? </b><br>
12.   С какого пути отходит поезд? &gt;<b> From which platform does the train <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;leave&quot;)">? </b><br>
13.   Дороги очень хорошие. &gt;<b> The roads are <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;very&quot;)"> good. </b><br>
14.   Это очень срочно. &gt;<b> It is <input type="text" name="i14" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;very&quot;)"> urgent. </b><br>
15.   Я звонил тебе вчера, но тебя не было дома. &gt;<b> I called on you yesterday, <input type="text" name="i15" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;but&quot;)"> you happened to be out. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;day&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;night&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;course&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;collect&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;thirty&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;well&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;visit&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;island&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;anything&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;luck&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;Since&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;leave&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;very&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;very&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;but&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 22:41:12)



Тест #2   

Слова для выбора - Нажмите здесь!!!

Can - Give - agree - aloud - forecast - from - leave - need - see - several - smell - take - worry - wrong - yesterday -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Быть неправым &gt;<b> to be <input type="text" name="i1" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;wrong&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Быть согласным &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i2" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;agree&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   Видеть по телевизору &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i3" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;see&quot;)"> on television </b><br>
4.   Волноваться о &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i4" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;worry&quot;)"> about </b><br>
5.   Не нужно / нет необходимости &gt;<b> there is no <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;need&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Несколько раз &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i6" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;several&quot;)"> times </b><br>
7.   Передайте им всем сердечный привет от меня! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i7" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Give&quot;)"> my love to everybody! </b><br>
8.   Принесите, пожалуйста, лимон. &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i8" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;Can&quot;)"> I have some lemon, please. </b><br>
9.   Прогноз погоды хороший / плохой. &gt;<b> The weather <input type="text" name="i9" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;forecast&quot;)"> is good / bad. </b><br>
10.   Прощаться &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;take&quot;)"> leave </b><br>
11.   С утра до вечера &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;from&quot;)"> morning till night </b><br>
12.   Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. &gt;<b> It's warmer than <input type="text" name="i12" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;yesterday&quot;)">. </b><br>
13.   Хорошо пахнуть &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i13" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;smell&quot;)"> good </b><br>
14.   Читать громко / читать вслух &gt;<b> to read <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;aloud&quot;)"> </b><br>
15.   Я уезжаю завтра рано утром. &gt;<b> I will <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;leave&quot;)"> early tomorrow morning. </b><br>

<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;wrong&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;agree&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;see&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;worry&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;need&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;several&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;Give&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;Can&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;forecast&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;take&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;from&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;yesterday&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;smell&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;aloud&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;leave&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 22:43:19)



Тест #3   

Слова для выбора

ask - back - been - blond - fun - healthy - knock - right - said - taxi - then - way - west - will - would -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Время от времени &gt;<b> every now and <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;then&quot;)"> / at times </b><br>
2.   Где я найду такси? Где можно найти такси? &gt;<b> Where can I get a <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;taxi&quot;)">? </b><br>
3.   Когда ты приедешь? &gt;<b> When <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;will&quot;)"> you come? </b><br>
4.   Мой дедушка стар, но здоров. &gt;<b> My grandfather is old but <input type="text" name="i4" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;healthy&quot;)">. </b><br>
5.   На западе &gt;<b> in the <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;west&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Он еще не вернулся &gt;<b> he hasn't come <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;back&quot;)"> yet </b><br>
7.   Она блондинка. &gt;<b> She has <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;blond&quot;)"> hair. </b><br>
8.   Показывать дорогу &gt;<b> to show the <input type="text" name="i8" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;way&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Правая рука &gt;<b> the <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;right&quot;)"> hand </b><br>
10.   Ради удовольствия &gt;<b> for the <input type="text" name="i10" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;fun&quot;)"> of it </b><br>
11.   Задать вопрос &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i11" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;ask&quot;)"> a question </b><br>
12.   Стучат &gt;<b> there is a <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;knock&quot;)"> at the door </b><br>
13.   Я ещё никогда не был за границей. &gt;<b> I have never <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;been&quot;)"> abroad. </b><br>
14.   Я хотел бы светлое / тёмное пиво. &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;would&quot;)"> like a pale / brown beer. </b><br>
15.   (Как) говорят &gt;<b> one says / it is <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;said&quot;)"> that </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;then&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;taxi&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;will&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;healthy&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;west&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;back&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;blond&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;way&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;right&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;fun&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;ask&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;knock&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;been&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;would&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;said&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 22:14:15)



Тест #4   

Слова для выбора

Good - make - can - country - hand - leave - lemon - luck - once - received - rooms - small - vegetable - very - will -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Вашу посылку мы получили. &gt;<b> We have <input type="text" name="i1" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;received&quot;)"> your parcel. </b><br>
2.   Где можно взять на прокат машину? &gt;<b> Where <input type="text" name="i2" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;can&quot;)"> I hire a car? </b><br>
3.   Комнаты убирались не очень хорошо. &gt;<b> The <input type="text" name="i3" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;rooms&quot;)"> were not cleaned properly. </b><br>
4.   Мне хотелось бы овощной суп. &gt;<b> I would like a <input type="text" name="i4" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;vegetable&quot;)"> soup. </b><br>
5.   Он сегодня, вероятно, не придет &gt;<b> he <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;will&quot;)"> probably not come today </b><br>
6.   Позвонить по телефону &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i6" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;make&quot;)">  a call to somebody </b><br>
7.   Принесите, пожалуйста, лимон. &gt;<b> Can I have some <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;lemon&quot;)">, please. </b><br>
8.   Прощаться &gt;<b> to take <input type="text" name="i8" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;leave&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Слишком большой / маленький. &gt;<b> It's too big / too <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;small&quot;)">. </b><br>
10.   Снова/еще раз &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;once&quot;)"> more </b><br>
11.   Спокойной ночи! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Good&quot;)"> night! </b><br>
12.   У меня кровоточит левая рука. &gt;<b> My left <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hand&quot;)"> is bleeding. </b><br>
13.   Через три месяца Вы должны снова выехать. &gt;<b> You must leave the <input type="text" name="i13" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;country&quot;)"> again in three months. </b><br>
14.   Что за счастье! Вот так повезло! &gt;<b> What a piece / stroke of good <input type="text" name="i14" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;luck&quot;)">! </b><br>
15.   Я тоже поздно ложусь (спать). &gt;<b> I also go to bed <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;very&quot;)"> late. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;received&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;can&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;rooms&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;vegetable&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;will&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;make&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;lemon&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;leave&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;small&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;once&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;Good&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;hand&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;country&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;luck&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;very&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 22:27:01)



Тест #5   

Слова для выбора

Many - cold - drink - going - home - keep - luck - often - profit - suppose - three - town - trip - way - way -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Большое спасибо. &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Many&quot;)"> thanks! </b><br>
2.   Быть дома &gt;<b> to be at <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;home&quot;)"> / to be in </b><br>
3.   Вероятно, он придет &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i3" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;suppose&quot;)"> he'll come </b><br>
4.   Всего хорошего! / Счастливо! &gt;<b> Good <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;luck&quot;)">! / Have a good time! </b><br>
5.   Дорога на Берлин &gt;<b> the <input type="text" name="i5" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;way&quot;)"> to Berlin </b><br>
6.   Жить в городе &gt;<b> to live in the <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;town&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Пить из чашки &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;drink&quot;)"> out of a cup </b><br>
8.   Прибыльно продать &gt;<b> to sell at a <input type="text" name="i8" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;profit&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Путешествовать &gt;<b> to go on a journey / to take a <input type="text" name="i9" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;trip&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Сохранять спокойствие &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;keep&quot;)"> calm </b><br>
11.   Становится холодно &gt;<b> it is getting <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;cold&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Так часто, как только возможно &gt;<b> as <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;often&quot;)"> as possible </b><br>
13.   Три плюс четыре равно семь. &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i13" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;three&quot;)"> plus four equals seven </b><br>
14.   Это улица с односторонним движением. &gt;<b> This is a one-<input type="text" name="i14" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;way&quot;)"> street. </b><br>
15.   Я спускаюсь по лестнице &gt;<b> I am <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;going&quot;)"> downstairs </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;Many&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;home&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;suppose&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;luck&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;way&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;town&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;drink&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;profit&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;trip&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;keep&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;cold&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;often&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;three&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;way&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;going&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 16:49:53)



Тест #6   

Слова для выбора

Where - Would - bath - cheap - close - did - door - slowly - given - hour - listen - potatoes - this - wait - worker -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Быть поблизости &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i1" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;close&quot;)"> to </b><br>
2.   Вам нужно подождать. &gt;<b> You will have to <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;wait&quot;)">. </b><br>
3.   Вам что лучше, колу или пиво? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i3" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Would&quot;)"> you like a coke or a beer? </b><br>
4.   Где душевые? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i4" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Where&quot;)"> are the showers? </b><br>
5.   Дешево купить &gt;<b> to buy <input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;cheap&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Доброе утро, хорошо ли Вы спали? &gt;<b> Good-morning, <input type="text" name="i6" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;did&quot;)"> you sleep well? </b><br>
7.   Звонят в дверь. Кто-то пришёл. &gt;<b> The bell is ringing. There is somebody at the <input type="text" name="i7" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;door&quot;)">. </b><br>
8.   Мне хотелось бы жаркое с картофелем. &gt;<b> I would like some roast meat with <input type="text" name="i8" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;potatoes&quot;)">. </b><br>
9.   Он не хочет слышать / слушать &gt;<b> he won't <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;listen&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Прилежно работать &gt;<b> to work hard / to be a hard <input type="text" name="i10" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;worker&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   Принимать ванну &gt;<b> to have a <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;bath&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Сколько стоит эта книга? &gt;<b> How much is <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;this&quot;)"> book? </b><br>
13.   Только не торопись! &gt;<b> Jast take it <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;slowly&quot;)">! </b><br>
14.   Четверть часа &gt;<b> a quarter of an <input type="text" name="i14" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hour&quot;)"> </b><br>
15.   Я бросил курить. &gt;<b> I've <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;given&quot;)"> up smoking. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;close&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;wait&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;Would&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;Where&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;cheap&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;did&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;door&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;potatoes&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;listen&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;worker&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;bath&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;this&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;slowly&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;hour&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;given&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (09-11-2021 22:37:08)



Тест #7   

Слова для выбора

How - arrive - change - enough - good - left - reservation - salted - see - seriously - someone - sunny - theatre - too - white -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Быть с кем-либо знакомым &gt;<b> to be acquainted with <input type="text" name="i1" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;someone&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Быть/оставаться лишним &gt;<b> to be <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;left&quot;)"> over </b><br>
3.   Всего хорошего! / Счастливо! &gt;<b> Good luck! / Have a <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;good&quot;)"> time! </b><br>
4.   Доброе утро! / Добрый день! &gt;<b> Good morning! / <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;How&quot;)"> do you do? </b><br>
5.   Идти в театр / ходить в театр &gt;<b> to go to the <input type="text" name="i5" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;theatre&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Идёт дождь. Светит солнце. &gt;<b> It's raining. It's <input type="text" name="i6" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;sunny&quot;)">. </b><br>
7.   Мне нужно делать пересадку? &gt;<b> Do I have to <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;change&quot;)">? </b><br>
8.   Мне хотелось бы сухого белого вина. &gt;<b> I would like some dry <input type="text" name="i8" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;white&quot;)"> wine. </b><br>
9.   Прибывать вовремя &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;arrive&quot;)"> on time </b><br>
10.   Спасибо, достаточно. &gt;<b> That's <input type="text" name="i10" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;enough&quot;)">, thank you. </b><br>
11.   Тяжело больной &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;seriously&quot;)"> ill </b><br>
12.   У меня забронирован номер. &gt;<b> I have a <input type="text" name="i12" size="11" onblur="da(this,&quot;reservation&quot;)">. </b><br>
13.   Эти брюки слишком узкие. &gt;<b> These trousers are <input type="text" name="i13" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;too&quot;)"> tight. </b><br>
14.   Это посолено? &gt;<b> Is it <input type="text" name="i14" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;salted&quot;)">? </b><br>
15.   Я никого не видел &gt;<b> I didn't <input type="text" name="i15" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;see&quot;)"> anybody </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;someone&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;left&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;good&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;How&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;theatre&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;sunny&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;change&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;white&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;arrive&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;enough&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;seriously&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;reservation&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;too&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;salted&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;see&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 16:54:56)



Тест #8   

Слова для выбора

after - change - clock - come - cook - filled - ill - shoes - someone - time - urgent - wake - water - will - work -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Всего хорошего! / Счастливо! &gt;<b> Good luck! / Have a good <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;time&quot;)">! </b><br>
2.   Готовит еду &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i2" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;cook&quot;)"> / to prepare the meal </b><br>
3.   Изменять свое мнение &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;change&quot;)"> one's mind </b><br>
4.   Не могли бы вы меня завтра разбудить? &gt;<b> Can you <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;wake&quot;)"> me up tomorrow morning? </b><br>
5.   Около 8 часов &gt;<b> around 8 o'<input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;clock&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Она болела и поэтому не пришла. &gt;<b> She was ill, so she didn't <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;come&quot;)">. </b><br>
7.   Подарить кому-либо что-либо &gt;<b> to give <input type="text" name="i7" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;someone&quot;)"> a present </b><br>
8.   Полный воды &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i8" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;filled&quot;)"> with water </b><br>
9.   Снимать ботинки/туфли &gt;<b> to take off one's <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;shoes&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Срочно &gt;<b> it's <input type="text" name="i10" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;urgent&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   Стакан воды &gt;<b> a glass of <input type="text" name="i11" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;water&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Тяжелая работа &gt;<b> hard <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;work&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   Через некоторое время &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i13" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;after&quot;)"> a while </b><br>
14.   Что Вы будете пить? / Что Вы пьёте? &gt;<b> What <input type="text" name="i14" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;will&quot;)"> you have to drink? </b><br>
15.   Я предполагаю, что он болен &gt;<b> he is <input type="text" name="i15" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;ill&quot;)">, I suppose </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;time&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;cook&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;change&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;wake&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;clock&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;come&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;someone&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;filled&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;shoes&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;urgent&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;water&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;work&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;after&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;will&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;ill&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 16:56:59)



Тест #9   

Слова для выбора

How - all - anything - bar - boiling - closed - course - fruit - got - hotel - injured - insurance - married - sorry - you -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Вода кипит &gt;<b> the water is <input type="text" name="i1" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;boiling&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Все дети &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i2" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;all&quot;)"> the children </b><br>
3.   Дверь закрыта &gt;<b> the door is <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;closed&quot;)"> </b><br>
4.   Есть ли в отеле лифт? &gt;<b> Is there an elevator in the <input type="text" name="i4" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;hotel&quot;)">? </b><br>
5.   Есть ли у Вас сигареты без фильтра / папиросы? &gt;<b> Have you <input type="text" name="i5" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;got&quot;)"> cigarettes without filters? </b><br>
6.   Еще что-нибудь? &gt;<b> Would you like some more / <input type="text" name="i6" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;anything&quot;)"> else? </b><br>
7.   Кусок мыла &gt;<b> a <input type="text" name="i7" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;bar&quot;)"> of soap </b><br>
8.   Мне хотелось бы свежих фруктов. &gt;<b> I would like some fresh <input type="text" name="i8" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;fruit&quot;)">. </b><br>
9.   Очень жаль, но свободных комнат нет. &gt;<b> I am <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;sorry&quot;)">, we have no rooms free. </b><br>
10.   Посещать курсы &gt;<b> to attend a <input type="text" name="i10" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;course&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   Сколько Вам лет? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;How&quot;)"> old are you? </b><br>
12.   Спасибо, достаточно. &gt;<b> That's enough, thank <input type="text" name="i12" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;you&quot;)">. </b><br>
13.   У Вас есть медицинская страховка? &gt;<b> Do you have health <input type="text" name="i13" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;insurance&quot;)">? </b><br>
14.   Этот мужчина ранен. &gt;<b> This man is <input type="text" name="i14" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;injured&quot;)">. </b><br>
15.   Я слышал, что ты женишься / выходишь замуж. &gt;<b> I've heard you're getting <input type="text" name="i15" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;married&quot;)">. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;boiling&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;all&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;closed&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;hotel&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;got&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;anything&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;bar&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;fruit&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;sorry&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;course&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;How&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;you&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;insurance&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;injured&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;married&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 16:58:20)



Тест #10   

Слова для выбора

Follow - birthday - cash - cigarettes - cut - dark - general - height - loud - nothing - phone - same - should - there - while -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   30 июля мой день рождения &gt;<b> My <input type="text" name="i1" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;birthday&quot;)"> is on the 30th of July. </b><br>
2.   В общем &gt;<b> in <input type="text" name="i2" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;general&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   Вам следует проехать дальше ещё примерно километр. &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;Follow&quot;)"> the road for about one kilometre. </b><br>
4.   Говорить громко &gt;<b> to speak in a <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;loud&quot;)"> voice </b><br>
5.   Есть здесь кто-нибудь? &gt;<b> Is anybody <input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;there&quot;)">? </b><br>
6.   Мне хотелось бы позвонить. &gt;<b> I would like to make a <input type="text" name="i6" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;phone&quot;)"> call. </b><br>
7.   Недавно &gt;<b> recently / a short <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;while&quot;)"> ago </b><br>
8.   Ничего важного &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i8" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;nothing&quot;)"> important </b><br>
9.   Одинакового роста &gt;<b> of the same size / <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;height&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Порезать себе палец &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i10" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;cut&quot;)"> one's finger </b><br>
11.   Спасибо, Вам также. &gt;<b> Thank you, the <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;same&quot;)"> to you! </b><br>
12.   Темно &gt;<b> it's <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;dark&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   Ты можешь им гордиться. &gt;<b> You <input type="text" name="i13" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;should&quot;)"> be proud of him. </b><br>
14.   У Вас есть сигареты? &gt;<b> Do you have any <input type="text" name="i14" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;cigarettes&quot;)">? </b><br>
15.   У меня не достаточно наличных денег. &gt;<b> I don't have sufficient <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;cash&quot;)">. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;birthday&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;general&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;Follow&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;loud&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;there&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;phone&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;while&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;nothing&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;height&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;cut&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;same&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;dark&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;should&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;cigarettes&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;cash&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 16:59:48)



Возможно, эти темы будут вам интересны  https://forumupload.ru/uploads/001a/b7/49/2/433229.gif


Британский, американский и другие варианты английского языка

Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:59:29)



Тест #11   

Слова для выбора

German - States - asleep - easy - idea - less - man - pounds - radio - seaside - summer - surface - tonight - weather - win -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Больше или меньше &gt;<b> more or <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;less&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Весить десять фунтов &gt;<b> to weigh ten <input type="text" name="i2" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;pounds&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   Включи радио! &gt;<b> Turn on the <input type="text" name="i3" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;radio&quot;)">! </b><br>
4.   Выиграть семь: пять &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;win&quot;)"> by seven goals to five </b><br>
5.   Жесткий человек &gt;<b> a hard <input type="text" name="i5" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;man&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Заснуть &gt;<b> to have fallen <input type="text" name="i6" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;asleep&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Как это называется по-немецки? &gt;<b> How do you say that in <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;German&quot;)">? </b><br>
8.   Летом &gt;<b> during the <input type="text" name="i8" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;summer&quot;)"> </b><br>
9.   Объединённые Штаты &gt;<b> the United <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;States&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Погода хорошая &gt;<b> the <input type="text" name="i10" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;weather&quot;)"> is fine today </b><br>
11.   Сверху на воде / на поверхности воды &gt;<b> on the <input type="text" name="i11" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;surface&quot;)"> of the water </b><br>
12.   Сегодня ночью &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i12" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;tonight&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   Только спокойно! &gt;<b> Easy does it! / Take it <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;easy&quot;)">! </b><br>
14.   У моря &gt;<b> at the <input type="text" name="i14" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;seaside&quot;)"> </b><br>
15.   Это хорошая идея &gt;<b> that's a good <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;idea&quot;)"> </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;less&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;pounds&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;radio&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;win&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;man&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;asleep&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;German&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;summer&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;States&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;weather&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;surface&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;tonight&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;easy&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;seaside&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;idea&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:04:00)



Тест #12   

Слова для выбора

Can - July - May - May - about - all - book - country - egg - hire - interstate - kilometre - parking - red - will -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   30 июля мой день рождения &gt;<b> My birthday is on the 30th of <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;July&quot;)">. </b><br>
2.   Вам следует проехать дальше ещё примерно километр. &gt;<b> Follow the road for about one <input type="text" name="i2" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;kilometre&quot;)">. </b><br>
3.   Всю ночь &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i3" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;all&quot;)"> night </b><br>
4.   Желаете ли что-нибудь выпить? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;May&quot;)"> I offer you a drink? </b><br>
5.   Жить за городом &gt;<b> to live in the <input type="text" name="i5" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;country&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Как добраться до автобана? &gt;<b> How can I get to the <input type="text" name="i6" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;interstate&quot;)"> highway? </b><br>
7.   Мне хотелось бы сладкого красного вина. &gt;<b> I would like some sweet <input type="text" name="i7" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;red&quot;)"> wine. </b><br>
8.   Можно зажечь (развести) огонь? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i8" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;May&quot;)"> we light a fire? </b><br>
9.   Можно мне ежедневно принимать ванну? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i9" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;Can&quot;)"> I take a bath every day? </b><br>
10.   Парковка запрещена! &gt;<b> No <input type="text" name="i10" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;parking&quot;)">! </b><br>
11.   Такси свободно &gt;<b> taxi for <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hire&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   У Вас есть телефонная книга? (телефонный справочник) &gt;<b> Do you have a telephone <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;book&quot;)">? </b><br>
13.   Это дорого стоит &gt;<b> that <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;will&quot;)"> cost a lot of money </b><br>
14.   Я так много слышал о Вас. &gt;<b> I've heard so much <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;about&quot;)"> you. </b><br>
15.   Яйцо всмятку &gt;<b> a soft-boiled <input type="text" name="i15" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;egg&quot;)"> </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;July&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;kilometre&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;all&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;May&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;country&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;interstate&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;red&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;May&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;Can&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;parking&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;hire&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;book&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;will&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;about&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;egg&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:05:19)



Тест #13   

Слова для выбора

Shall - bed - cup - drink - early - mail - mixed - nice - raining - ring - school - shortly - stay - thirsty - town -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Авиапочтой &gt;<b> by air <input type="text" name="i1" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;mail&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   В начале октября &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i2" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;early&quot;)"> October </b><br>
3.   В школе &gt;<b> at <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;school&quot;)"> </b><br>
4.   Желаете ли что-нибудь выпить? &gt;<b> May I offer you a <input type="text" name="i4" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;drink&quot;)">? </b><br>
5.   Идет дождь &gt;<b> it is <input type="text" name="i5" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;raining&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Ложиться спать &gt;<b> to retire for the night / to go to <input type="text" name="i6" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;bed&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Мне , пожалуйста, салат без помидоров. &gt;<b> I'll have a <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;mixed&quot;)"> salad without tomatoes. </b><br>
8.   Мы (по)едем в Рим или в Париж? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i8" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Shall&quot;)"> we go to Rome or Paris? </b><br>
9.   Он любезен с ними &gt;<b> he is <input type="text" name="i9" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;nice&quot;)"> to them </b><br>
10.   Переночевывать &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;stay&quot;)"> overnight </b><br>
11.   Пригласить выпить кофе &gt;<b> to invite for a <input type="text" name="i11" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;cup&quot;)"> of coffee </b><br>
12.   У Вас есть план города? &gt;<b> Have you got a map of the <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;town&quot;)">? </b><br>
13.   Хотеть пить &gt;<b> to be <input type="text" name="i13" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;thirsty&quot;)"> </b><br>
14.   Я сейчас вернусь &gt;<b> I'll be back <input type="text" name="i14" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;shortly&quot;)"> / in a bit </b><br>
15.   Я хочу купить кольцо. &gt;<b> I want to buy a <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;ring&quot;)">. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;mail&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;early&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;school&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;drink&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;raining&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;bed&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;mixed&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;Shall&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;nice&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;stay&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;cup&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;town&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;thirsty&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;shortly&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;ring&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:06:36)



Тест #14   

Слова для выбора

German - Keep - bottom - bus - cards - equals - into - missed - much - news - pass - several - someone - sure - watch -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Внизу страницы &gt;<b> at the <input type="text" name="i1" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;bottom&quot;)"> of the page </b><br>
2.   Воспользоваться автобусом &gt;<b> to take the <input type="text" name="i2" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;bus&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   Вы понимаете по-немецки? &gt;<b> Do you understand <input type="text" name="i3" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;German&quot;)">? </b><br>
4.   Выдержать экзамен &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;pass&quot;)"> an examination </b><br>
5.   Говорить с кем-либо &gt;<b> to talk to <input type="text" name="i5" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;someone&quot;)"> </b><br>
6.   Ехать с правой стороны / держаться правой стороны &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Keep&quot;)"> to the right! </b><br>
7.   Играть в карты &gt;<b> to play <input type="text" name="i7" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;cards&quot;)"> </b><br>
8.   Наверняка будет дождь &gt;<b> it's <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;sure&quot;)"> to rain </b><br>
9.   Он знает много языков &gt;<b> he speaks <input type="text" name="i9" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;several&quot;)"> languages </b><br>
10.   Переводить на немецкий &gt;<b> to translate <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;into&quot;)"> German </b><br>
11.   Самые последние новости &gt;<b> the latest <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;news&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Сколько будет 2 + 2? &gt;<b> How <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;much&quot;)"> is 2 + 2? </b><br>
13.   Смотреть на часы &gt;<b> to look at one's <input type="text" name="i13" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;watch&quot;)"> </b><br>
14.   Шесть разделить на два будет три &gt;<b> six divided by two <input type="text" name="i14" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;equals&quot;)"> three </b><br>
15.   Я опаздал на поезд &gt;<b> I've <input type="text" name="i15" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;missed&quot;)"> the train </b><br>

<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;bottom&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;bus&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;German&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;pass&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;someone&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;Keep&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;cards&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;sure&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;several&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;into&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;news&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;much&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;watch&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;equals&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;missed&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:07:50)



Тест #15   

Слова для выбора

Come - October - all - any - came - fifty - got - learn - light - nine - phone - tomorrow - tonight - wood - your -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   В начале октября &gt;<b> early <input type="text" name="i1" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;October&quot;)"> </b><br>
2.   Вас к телефону. &gt;<b> You are wanted on the <input type="text" name="i2" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;phone&quot;)">. </b><br>
3.   Весь день / в течение всего дня &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i3" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;all&quot;)"> day long </b><br>
4.   Есть ли у Вас ещё свободные комнаты? &gt;<b> Do you have <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;any&quot;)"> vacant rooms? </b><br>
5.   Зажечь / развести огонь. &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;light&quot;)"> a fire </b><br>
6.   Из дерева &gt;<b> made of <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;wood&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Можно мне воспользоваться Вашим телефоном? &gt;<b> May I use <input type="text" name="i7" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;your&quot;)"> phone? </b><br>
8.   Мы навестим тебя завтра. &gt;<b> We'll visit you <input type="text" name="i8" size="8" onblur="da(this,&quot;tomorrow&quot;)">. </b><br>
9.   Смотри, что я тебе принёс / что у меня для тебя есть! &gt;<b> Look what I've <input type="text" name="i9" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;got&quot;)"> for you! </b><br>
10.   Спускайся! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Come&quot;)"> down! </b><br>
11.   Трижды три - девять. &gt;<b> three times three is <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;nine&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Учить язык &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;learn&quot;)"> a language </b><br>
13.   Я вернулся, потому что забыл вот это. &gt;<b> I forgot this, so I <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;came&quot;)"> back. </b><br>
14.   Я хотел бы билет на сегодняшний вечер. &gt;<b> I would like a ticket for <input type="text" name="i14" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;tonight&quot;)">. </b><br>
15.   сорок, пятьдесят, шестьдесят, семьдесят, восемьдесят. &gt;<b> Forty, <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;fifty&quot;)">, sixty, seventy, eighty. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;October&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;phone&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;all&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;any&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;light&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;wood&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;your&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;tomorrow&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;got&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;Come&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;nine&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;learn&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;came&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;tonight&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;fifty&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:09:13)



Тест #16   

Слова для выбора

German - German - Hold - May - See - above - afraid - afterwards - car - century - hope - make - nine - pay - with -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Бояться / страшиться &gt;<b> to be <input type="text" name="i1" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;afraid&quot;)"> of </b><br>
2.   Век состоит из ста лет. &gt;<b> There are a hundred years in a <input type="text" name="i2" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;century&quot;)">. </b><br>
3.   Двадцать пять минут десятого &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i3" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;nine&quot;)"> twenty-five </b><br>
4.   Делать успехи &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i4" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;make&quot;)"> progress / to progress </b><br>
5.   Можно посмотреть комнату? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i5" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;May&quot;)"> I see the room? </b><br>
6.   Молчи! / Успокойся! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Hold&quot;)"> your tongue! / Shut up! </b><br>
7.   Надеюсь, Вы останетесь на обед. &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i7" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hope&quot;)"> you'll stay for lunch. </b><br>
8.   Нанести кому-либо визит &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i8" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;pay&quot;)"> a visit to someone </b><br>
9.   Он понимает по-немецки &gt;<b> he understands <input type="text" name="i9" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;German&quot;)"> </b><br>
10.   Парковать свою машину &gt;<b> to park one's <input type="text" name="i10" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;car&quot;)"> </b><br>
11.   Приходите ко мне завтра! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i11" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;See&quot;)"> me tomorrow! </b><br>
12.   Сверху &gt;<b> from <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;above&quot;)"> </b><br>
13.   Через некоторое время &gt;<b> some time <input type="text" name="i13" size="10" onblur="da(this,&quot;afterwards&quot;)"> </b><br>
14.   Я не хочу иметь с Вами ничего общего. &gt;<b> I want nothing to do <input type="text" name="i14" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;with&quot;)"> you. </b><br>
15.   Я учу немецкий язык &gt;<b> I am learning <input type="text" name="i15" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;German&quot;)"> </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;afraid&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;century&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;nine&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;make&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;May&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;Hold&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;hope&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;pay&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;German&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;car&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;See&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;above&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;afterwards&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;with&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;German&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:10:52)



Тест #17   

Слова для выбора

Post - Where - White - four - get - grand - important - nothing - oneself - open - start - stop - than - there - while -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Больше ничего &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i1" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;nothing&quot;)"> more </b><br>
2.   Важно / значительно &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i2" size="9" onblur="da(this,&quot;important&quot;)"> </b><br>
3.   Великолепная перспектива &gt;<b> a <input type="text" name="i3" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;grand&quot;)"> sight </b><br>
4.   Выходить из машины &gt;<b> to <input type="text" name="i4" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;get&quot;)"> out of the car </b><br>
5.   Где (находится) универмаг? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i5" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Where&quot;)"> is a department store? </b><br>
6.   Делить на четыре &gt;<b> to divide by <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;four&quot;)"> </b><br>
7.   Испачкаться &gt;<b> to dirty <input type="text" name="i7" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;oneself&quot;)"> </b><br>
8.   Когда Вы отправляетесь в поездку? &gt;<b> When do you <input type="text" name="i8" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;start&quot;)"> your journey? </b><br>
9.   Незадолго до этого &gt;<b> a short <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;while&quot;)"> ago </b><br>
10.   Осталось два/двое &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i10" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;there&quot;)"> are two left </b><br>
11.   Поезд не останавливается &gt;<b> the train will not <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;stop&quot;)"> </b><br>
12.   Расклейка запрещена &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i12" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;Post&quot;)"> no bills! / Don't put up signs! </b><br>
13.   Часы работы с ... до ... &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;open&quot;)"> from ... to ... </b><br>
14.   Чёрный. Красный. Синий. Зелёный. Белый. &gt;<b> Black. Red. Blue. Green. <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;White&quot;)">. </b><br>
15.   Я больше люблю вино чем пиво &gt;<b> I would rather have wine <input type="text" name="i15" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;than&quot;)"> beer </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;nothing&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;important&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;grand&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;get&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;Where&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;four&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;oneself&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;start&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;while&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;there&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;stop&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;Post&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;open&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;White&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;than&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:13:53)



Тест #18   

Слова для выбора

May - Merry - When - alone - bring - cake - fault - fine - glass - help - hope - number - quarter - rental - when -

[html]<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
// credits to George Mitrevski, Dennie Hoopingarner, Vineet Bansal
function da(st, co) {
var sta = st.value;
var ca = co;
result = ""
for (var c = 0; c < ca.length; c ++) {
var coX = ca.charAt(c);
var stX = sta.charAt(c);
if (coX == stX) {
result = result + coX;
else {
result = result +  "=";
st.value = result;

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
1.   Без четверти час &gt;<b> it is a <input type="text" name="i1" size="7" onblur="da(this,&quot;quarter&quot;)"> to one </b><br>
2.   Где можно взять на прокат машину? &gt;<b> Where can I get a <input type="text" name="i2" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;rental&quot;)"> car? </b><br>
3.   Дайте, пожалуйста, счёт. &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i3" size="3" onblur="da(this,&quot;May&quot;)"> I have the check? </b><br>
4.   Иметь один недостаток &gt;<b> to have a <input type="text" name="i4" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;fault&quot;)"> </b><br>
5.   Когда вы родились? &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i5" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;When&quot;)"> were you born? </b><br>
6.   Кусочек торта, пожалуйста. &gt;<b> I'd like a piece of <input type="text" name="i6" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;cake&quot;)">, please. </b><br>
7.   Набирать номер &gt;<b> to dial the <input type="text" name="i7" size="6" onblur="da(this,&quot;number&quot;)"> </b><br>
8.   Надеюсь, мы ещё увидимся. &gt;<b> I <input type="text" name="i8" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;hope&quot;)"> we shall meet again. </b><br>
9.   Оставь меня в покое! &gt;<b> Leave me <input type="text" name="i9" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;alone&quot;)">! </b><br>
10.   Помогите мне, пожалуйста &gt;<b> Please, <input type="text" name="i10" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;help&quot;)"> me! </b><br>
11.   При хорошей погоде &gt;<b> in <input type="text" name="i11" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;fine&quot;)"> weather </b><br>
12.   С Рождеством! &gt;<b> <input type="text" name="i12" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;Merry&quot;)"> Christmas! </b><br>
13.   С какого времени? Уже давно? &gt;<b> Since <input type="text" name="i13" size="4" onblur="da(this,&quot;when&quot;)">? </b><br>
14.   Стакан воды &gt;<b> a <input type="text" name="i14" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;glass&quot;)"> of water </b><br>
15.   Я возьму машину и заберу тебя в семь часов. &gt;<b> I'll <input type="text" name="i15" size="5" onblur="da(this,&quot;bring&quot;)"> the car and pick you up at seven. </b><br>


<input type="button" value="Show" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;quarter&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;rental&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;May&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;fault&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;When&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;cake&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;number&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;hope&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;alone&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;help&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;fine&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;Merry&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;when&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;glass&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;bring&quot;; ">

<input type="button" value="Clear All" onclick=" document.forms[0].i1.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i2.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i3.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i4.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i5.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i6.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i7.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i8.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i9.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i10.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i11.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i12.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i13.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i14.value=&quot;&quot;; document.forms[0].i15.value=&quot;&quot;; ">


Отредактировано Lesson (03-11-2021 17:15:12)


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