Мне тут незнакомая щедрая дама хочет богатое наследство оставить 15,5 миллионов евро, из которых 60% я должна отправить в фонды для помощи людям, пострадавшим от кириешек, 40% могу оставить себе, как компенсацию за усилия.
кириешки дает дополнительные возможности для заработка мошенникам.
Вот такой спам пришел недавно на почту.
Hello! Dear
May the peace and love of the Almighty God be with you and your family!
Greeting in the name of the almighty God i wish you and your family happy moments of life now and forever more amen, my name is Mrs. Julia Margaret Armstrong, 69 years old, I know that this will sound so strange to you, as we did not know or seen each other before, but sometimes understanding and trust matters, been related or known does not grant any assurance or trust, even someone unknowing may create act of trust even than someone we know very well, therefore never you have such thoughts in your mind, even if I don’t know you or we never seen or know each other before, but God knows us and he has a reason and a great purpose of directing this message to
you, Please because of my present predicament and circumstances i wish to contact you. I have been suffering from cancer and have a short life to live. i have made up my mind to donate this my inheritance €15.5Million Euro to the less privileged, Orphanage home, those affected by Coronavirus for their medical support and treatment, Therefore for your support and efforts to fulfill this mission, 40% of this fund will be for you, this means that upon your receipt of this fund you withdraw this 40% immediately for your own personal use and compensation of your efforts.
The rest 60% you use it to support the above mentioned organizations as our agreement.
Please help me to fulfill this my last wish,
I wait to hear from you again for further information if possible
Mrs. Julia Margaret Armstrong